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Thank you for signup up to create in Project Frontier. We'll let you know when we have updates to our creator tools!

Project Frontier is Your World!

You have the power to reshape the world of Project Frontier.

We’ve built Project Frontier entirely in our game design sandbox, CreatorLab. You can use CreatorLab to create new quests, characters, weapons, and other content to enhance Project Frontier, or you can use CreatorLab to remix Project Frontier into an entirely new game of your own. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create!

If you're interested in being among the first to test and create content with CreatorLab, please fill out the form to join our waitlist. We aim to be intentional in onboarding creators so they can successfully build mods and experiences that empower imagination, craft reality, and enable gamers to become creators.

Which of these do you have experience with? (check all that apply)


What are your social channels?